Watch out, I'm going Green

In honor of today being St. Patrick's day, aka national wear your green day,  I'm not only wearing green, I'm also going green. You know- Reduce, Reduce, Recycle (by the way my dad swears he came up with that phrase- but that story is for another time).

Here at the Rossman household we have finally have a yard waste container!  This is big news considering that for the last 4 years we could not do yard waste/compost since we were at the condo.  When we moved into the new house they had a garbage and recycle container in the backyard but no yard waste. What exactly did they do with their yard waste??? 

Anyway, as soon as the yard waste can got delivered I ran right out and bought a galvanized steel bucket to keep in our kitchen to collect all the compostable food scraps.  It is amazing how little actual garbage we have now! I am pretty much recycling and composting everything in our house.  I have only had it for a week and I am already talking about reducing our garbage can size (perhaps this is a bit premature, but I'm really excited).

Right now, the composted food scraps are going into the yard waste container, but once I actually figure out the whole gardening thing I am hoping to have an actual compost area in our backyard to use in the garden (the garden I don't have yet).

This is going to be especially important when I finally build my raised bed gardens for all my veggies I plan on growing.  Like these:

Can someone let me borrow their green thumb?
