341 days

We are 24 days away from this guy's big first birthday.  
I can hardly believe it. Time flies.  

Where have the last 11 months (341 days) gone?
I know every parent says that, but really, it's insane.

He's been busy going from an itty-bitty baby to a full blown toddler.  

He's been on the brink of walking for weeks.  He said his first word "woof."

When he's not trying to walk, he's climbing up the stairs, cleaning out our closets, throwing things and is such a curious little monkey.
We are going to go low key for his actual birthday and just spend some family time doing all of Hunter's favorite things.

Which means that if he could chose, he would be naked all day, eat nothing but applesauce & milk and get to go in the bath whenever he wants.

Which may just be what we end up doing.

Later in October we will be having a combined birthday party & baptism. It's not like Hunter will know that it is not actually his birthday.  He will just love being with family and having balloons.

I'm pretty sure that balloons are going to be the best gift.

Now, here is my current favorite photo.

I'm pretty sure he is thinking, "I'm almost a year, WHY don't I have hair?"
