Meat Marty

We bought a cow.


Not a live one.  We don't have a cow grazing in our (unfenced) backyard as we speak.

He lives in our basement.


We actually only bought a quarter of a cow- the butchered meat of a quarter of a cow to be precise.

If you are a vegetarian, you are going to want to stop reading now.  Actually, you should have stopped reading when I told you I had a cow in my basement- that probably already counts as cruelty to animals.  Sorry about that.

For my meat loving friends, we went in on sustainably-farm-raised, organic, grass-fed beef with some other friends who have been getting it for years.  They drive over each year to Eastern Washington to a family farm that raises cattle, and pick up loads of beef to split amongst their friends and family.

We didn't know quite what to expect, but we knew it was going to be a lot of beef.

We are big beef eaters in this house, so it seemed like a good investment for us, as the price per pound is way less than what you pay in the grocery store for non-organic beef, and the product that you get far surpasses grocery store beef.

The only big expense was that we had to go buy a freezer just to house all our beef, that and the up front cost of buying roughly 200-250 lbs of beef (It was about $425). 

Luckily, Home Depot had a great little freezer that was relatively inexpensive ($175). 

All in we spent about $600 and got roughly 200 lbs of beef, making our price per pound roughly $3 (including the freezer).

Even if you are a crazy coupon lady, getting $3 organic beef is unheard of.

We set the freezer up in the basement and loaded it up, stacking similar cuts together so that I don't have to stick my hands into the cold and fish around for what I want.  I also started tossing other things in this freezer to free up room in our kitchen freezer.

If there is a drought, everyone should come to our house.  We will feed you.

Beef and chicken and Rhodes cinnamon rolls coexist
In our quarter of beef we got all sorts of cuts; from steak to roasts to ground beef and pretty much anything in between.  We have a little bit of everything.

We even have a few soup bones, which I am saving for when we get a dog.  My parent's dog loves boiled soup bones.

All the beef comes wrapped individually in plastic and white paper, with the type of cut stamped on the outside.  It feels so old time butcher-y.  I love it.

As we started eating the beef, I decided that our cow needed a name.  Thus, I decided that our cow would be called hence forth called Marty.

I think Marty is extremely delicious.  I'm in meat-love.

Chris is a bit harder to sell.  He likes Marty, but he he's not ready to say the L-word.  He's just stubborn like that.

The jury is still out on if we will buy another quarter next year.  Heck- we are still working our way through this year's allotment (we got him back in September).

Once we have eaten our year's worth of beef I'll report back and let you know our decision.

In the mean time, Marty is our favorite cow ever.

Delicious and economical, just how I like it.
