
Making up new words, is fun, especially when you combine two words to make one (somewhat nonsensical) word.

Clearly, I'm not the only one.  

Have you heard of Bennifer or Brangelina?

Well, I'm starting a new trend. Soon, everyone is going to be saying it.


Mom + obsessed= Momsessed

Definition: A mom who loves her child so much that she takes copious amounts of photos of them, believes they are cute in all circumstances and is obsessed with them in all other ways.

Example: "Look how cute my kid is when he/she (insert gross thing here)"

Anyway, as part of my momsession, I started documenting Hunter's growth back when he was only one week old.

I know what you are thinking, and no, I didn't have the foresight to start this documentation on his birthday in the hospital...I was a bit busy.

Is this a new idea? 

Nope, it has been done time and time again by mommy bloggers, but never before by me and my kid.

Hence, me being momsessed.

So each week, I dressed him in the same white onesie, so I can see how he grows into (and eventually out of) it.  So far he has been in the same 3 month sized onesie, but its starting to get a bit snug. 

I also chose a new piece of fabric for his background, so each week there is something new.  Of course, I started with some Husky fabric to kick things off.... especially since I take the photos every Saturday, and the 1st Saturday was a Husky football game.

Also, I tried my best to capture a pose or a facial expression that is "new" from that week. Lets be honest, babies are not always cooperative during photo shoots, and most of the time I have all of 2 minutes before Ketch starts whining to go out, the phone rings or Hunter looses interest.  So I take what I get in that feverish two minutes and narrow it down to 1 picture that I deem to be the "best" to represent that week.

It is crazy to look at week one, and the fast forward to the present and see how different he is.  

Oh, and for all the puppy lovers out there, I didn't think about doing this with Ketchum- lets blame it on pregnancy brain, but you will be glad to see that Ketch makes a cameo in week 8.  He often crashes our little photo session- here's the zoomed out version.  Obviously Ketch wants in on our weekly ritual.

So without further ado, check out Hunter's growth week by week. 



Don't even get me started on that smile.

I die.


And now, to save you from having to scroll up.  Week 1 and week 14 side by side:
