Wordless Wednesday: Flat Stanley
When I used to be a nanny to a little boy named Charlie. Reading books and going to the library was one of our favorite activities.
We would spend hours sitting on the floor of the kids section looking through all the books finding the perfect ones to bring home for the week.
He and I had very discerning tastes for what constituted a "bring home worthy" book.
My criteria: a book I loved when I was little or a fun book with great illustrations and not a lot of words.
Charlie's criteria: the longest book imaginable.
If you have ever read a book to a child who is apt to plead "read it again" as soon as you have finished, you know that you want a book that has 5-10 words per page MAX.
Unfortunately for me (and nap times), Charlie's favorites were pretty much chapter books with pictures.
One of his all time favorites was Flat Stanley (a book with a lot of words).
I had never heard of it before, but it's a hilarious story of a boy who gets flattened by a bulletin board and never puffs back up. So his family takes advantage of his flatness and mails him in an envelope all over. His dad even carries him rolled up in his pocket (how convenient).
So it was funny when I received a Flat Stanley in the mail a few weeks ago.
My sister, who teaches a 2nd grade class in California was doing a Flat Stanley project. They are sending out Stanley's to their friends and family, asking that they photograph Stanley's adventures, then send him and the photos back along with a bit about where he went.
So, to come full circle, our nanny took Ketch and Hunter for a walk with Stanley and took the pics.
Flat Stanley: Bringing nannies and families together for 15 years.....
Obviously, Stanley needed to see the Space Needle.
Hunter let him share his stroller (how nice of him).
Stanley is headed back to California, but it was fun remembering how much fun Charlie had with that book, and I'm thinking I need to get it for Hunter and do a little Stanley project of our own when he is older.
If you have kids, get on this project. It's fun and only costs postage! (Carrie- I'm talking to you)
Happy Wordlessfull Wednesday!
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He was 16 months when I started, now he's 10! |
He and I had very discerning tastes for what constituted a "bring home worthy" book.
My criteria: a book I loved when I was little or a fun book with great illustrations and not a lot of words.
Charlie's criteria: the longest book imaginable.
If you have ever read a book to a child who is apt to plead "read it again" as soon as you have finished, you know that you want a book that has 5-10 words per page MAX.
Unfortunately for me (and nap times), Charlie's favorites were pretty much chapter books with pictures.
One of his all time favorites was Flat Stanley (a book with a lot of words).
I had never heard of it before, but it's a hilarious story of a boy who gets flattened by a bulletin board and never puffs back up. So his family takes advantage of his flatness and mails him in an envelope all over. His dad even carries him rolled up in his pocket (how convenient).
So it was funny when I received a Flat Stanley in the mail a few weeks ago.
My sister, who teaches a 2nd grade class in California was doing a Flat Stanley project. They are sending out Stanley's to their friends and family, asking that they photograph Stanley's adventures, then send him and the photos back along with a bit about where he went.
So, to come full circle, our nanny took Ketch and Hunter for a walk with Stanley and took the pics.
Flat Stanley: Bringing nannies and families together for 15 years.....
Obviously, Stanley needed to see the Space Needle.
But, I'm much too cheap to take my paper-guest up to the top of the needle, so he only got to see the outside.
He did also get to check out the Puget Sound and watch the ferries come and go.
Lastly, he got to spend time with each of the boys...Ketchum ran him around the house a few times (and refused to carry him in his mouth).Hunter let him share his stroller (how nice of him).
Stanley is headed back to California, but it was fun remembering how much fun Charlie had with that book, and I'm thinking I need to get it for Hunter and do a little Stanley project of our own when he is older.
If you have kids, get on this project. It's fun and only costs postage! (Carrie- I'm talking to you)
Happy Word
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