Valley of the Sun
Where does the time go?
Seriously, I have no idea how time goes by so fast.
I'm 7 weeks away from popping out another kid and I feel like it was just a few months ago when we found out that we were going to be parents for the first time.
I can only imagine what our parents and grandparents feel like. They blinked and their kids were grown up and having kids of their own.
So, with less than 2 months of our little 3 person family we escaped to Sun Valley for the 4th of July. We are trying to seize the day and soak in the moments while we have them.
It was a a lovely escape from the city and we had some of our best friends (who also happen to be Hunter's Godparents) join us for the trip.
Vacations love company, especially the type of company who loves your kid as much as you do...and it doesn't hurt that Nicole happens to be just as pregnant as I am (we are due 2 weeks apart).
Nothing like 2 VERY pregnant ladies in bikinis at the pool. (sorry no photo of that)
I'm pretty sure we were the cautionary tale for the young teenage girls who were wearing bikinis that barely covered their rear ends.... don't even look sideways at a boy or you will get pregnant and then you will have to wear FULL COVERAGE bikinis or worse yet, TANKinis.
Yes, we were quite a spectacle.
Everywhere we went, people did a double take with two pregnant ladies, a small child and then some combination of fathers. Chris and Nick both had to work on the trip, so generally, it was Nicole, Hunter and I with one or the other of the dads.
I'm sure people thought we had a very interesting relationship going on.
Every time someone would inquire as to our due dates and if we were sisters (because apparently if two women are pregnant at the same time, they must be related), we would warn them to stay back- we were contagious.
Since it was 90+ each day, we didn't go do many outdoor activities like hiking or biking. Mainly we went from the condo to the pool and back- which was just fine by us- especially Hunter.
We did manage to squeeze in an outdoor concert at the base of the mountain, some shopping and of course lots of eating (my personal favorite).

Hunter came home with a few new favorite things- like petting horses. That one is going to be a bit tough to continue in Seattle. He keeps saying "pet neigh-neighs."
To say the Sun Valley is our happy place is an understatement. It's such a relaxed life there- someday we will spend half our time there, but until then, we are content to take a few trips a year.
Come January, Hunter will be trying out skis for the very first time. Chris and him will hit the slopes, while me an baby hit the lodge to sip hot chocolate & eat the giant chocolate chip cookies.
Hunter and baby #2 are going to grow up with Sun Valley as part of their lives. We will have photos and memories to chronicle their growth each year.
I couldn't help myself but snap a photo of Hunter in the "big chair" to see how much he has grown since February of last year.
Like I said before- where does the time go?
To say the Sun Valley is our happy place is an understatement. It's such a relaxed life there- someday we will spend half our time there, but until then, we are content to take a few trips a year.
Come January, Hunter will be trying out skis for the very first time. Chris and him will hit the slopes, while me an baby hit the lodge to sip hot chocolate & eat the giant chocolate chip cookies.
Hunter and baby #2 are going to grow up with Sun Valley as part of their lives. We will have photos and memories to chronicle their growth each year.
I couldn't help myself but snap a photo of Hunter in the "big chair" to see how much he has grown since February of last year.
Next time we are in Sun Valley we will be a family of 4. How crazy!
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