I'm not Pinterest-ed
I know people love Pinterest.
I know this is probably blogging blasphemy, but I don't love it.
I don't hate it, I have nothing against it, it's just too much for me.
I used to go in waves, where I would spend countless hours going down rabbit holes of beautiful home decor, cute outfits, work out programs, smoothie recipes etc.
I don't have time for that kind of nonsense these days.
That was before I had a baby, and a puppy, and no sleep.
Fact. If I have time to be Pinterest-ing, I could be sleeping.
Plus, Pinterest just serves as a window into how horribly "off the shelf" your life is.
Oh, you don't hand paint murals onto your children's walls? Or make your own laundry detergent, nail polish, floor cleaner & shampoo or have fanciful bedrooms with a bed on ropes surrounded by ethereal curtains?
Well, you should.
So, I pretty much quit Pinterest cold turkey.
I'm just not that Pinterest-ed.
Now that I've proclaimed how much I don't love Pinterest. I have to back track.
I do use it on occasion- as my picture based search engine for home-made things.
Sure, I could type "homemade laundry detergent" into Google, but then I'd have to sort through blog links and weird sites that don't have anything to do with what I was looking for.
On Pinterest, I see pretty pictures of people's fancy mason jars that house their homemade detergent, and I can decide who's detergent-filled-mason-jar I want to copy.
So, when it comes to making home-made cleaners, I turn to Pinterest first.
No, I'm not making homemade laundry detergent (although I've thought about it).
A few weekends ago I was spring cleaning my kitchen.
I did all the "easy things" first- wipe down the cabinets, clean out the microwave, wipe down the inside of the fridge...
Then I got to the microwave hood vents above our stove.
Those are gross.
I honestly didn't even want to touch them (hence the oven mitt), so cleaning them in all their sticky-greasy glory was not an appetizing chore.
While changing the Pandora station to give me some cleaning motivation, I decided to quickly search Pinterest for an easy cleaning idea.
Pinterest delivered in a big way.
How does making them look brand-spanking-new without ever scrubbing them sound?
So, in case you are afraid of scrubbing greasy hood vents, here is the quickest and easiest cleaning method EVER.
Clean kitchen grease from vents:
Step 1: Fill a large pot with water and bring it to a boil
Step 2: Slowly shake in some baking soda (be careful or this will boil over)- I probably ended up shaking in about 1/4-1/2 cup.
Step 3: Dunk your greasy vents into the boiling baking soda solution for about 30 seconds (you may need to turn them around and dunk again if your vents don't fit in your pot)

Step 4: Pull them out and admire your clean vents
Step 5: Rinse with water, let dry and put back to gather more grease
Easy peasy.
Seriously, best cleaning solution EVER, and it was so quick!
As you can see, I threw my oven knobs into the pot as well- and it worked on them too. I'm assuming this little trick works for anything that will stand up to boiling and is covered in grease.
The dirty water is gross, but that's easy to clean out of your pot with warm soapy water.
Thank you Pinterest.
I misjudged you.
I'm sorry.
I know this is probably blogging blasphemy, but I don't love it.
I don't hate it, I have nothing against it, it's just too much for me.
I used to go in waves, where I would spend countless hours going down rabbit holes of beautiful home decor, cute outfits, work out programs, smoothie recipes etc.
I don't have time for that kind of nonsense these days.
That was before I had a baby, and a puppy, and no sleep.
Fact. If I have time to be Pinterest-ing, I could be sleeping.
Plus, Pinterest just serves as a window into how horribly "off the shelf" your life is.
Oh, you don't hand paint murals onto your children's walls? Or make your own laundry detergent, nail polish, floor cleaner & shampoo or have fanciful bedrooms with a bed on ropes surrounded by ethereal curtains?
Well, you should.
So, I pretty much quit Pinterest cold turkey.
I'm just not that Pinterest-ed.
Now that I've proclaimed how much I don't love Pinterest. I have to back track.
I do use it on occasion- as my picture based search engine for home-made things.
Sure, I could type "homemade laundry detergent" into Google, but then I'd have to sort through blog links and weird sites that don't have anything to do with what I was looking for.
On Pinterest, I see pretty pictures of people's fancy mason jars that house their homemade detergent, and I can decide who's detergent-filled-mason-jar I want to copy.
So, when it comes to making home-made cleaners, I turn to Pinterest first.
No, I'm not making homemade laundry detergent (although I've thought about it).
A few weekends ago I was spring cleaning my kitchen.
I did all the "easy things" first- wipe down the cabinets, clean out the microwave, wipe down the inside of the fridge...
Then I got to the microwave hood vents above our stove.
Those are gross.
I honestly didn't even want to touch them (hence the oven mitt), so cleaning them in all their sticky-greasy glory was not an appetizing chore.
While changing the Pandora station to give me some cleaning motivation, I decided to quickly search Pinterest for an easy cleaning idea.
Pinterest delivered in a big way.
How does making them look brand-spanking-new without ever scrubbing them sound?
So, in case you are afraid of scrubbing greasy hood vents, here is the quickest and easiest cleaning method EVER.
Clean kitchen grease from vents:
Step 1: Fill a large pot with water and bring it to a boil
Step 2: Slowly shake in some baking soda (be careful or this will boil over)- I probably ended up shaking in about 1/4-1/2 cup.
Step 3: Dunk your greasy vents into the boiling baking soda solution for about 30 seconds (you may need to turn them around and dunk again if your vents don't fit in your pot)

Step 4: Pull them out and admire your clean vents
Step 5: Rinse with water, let dry and put back to gather more grease
Easy peasy.
Seriously, best cleaning solution EVER, and it was so quick!
As you can see, I threw my oven knobs into the pot as well- and it worked on them too. I'm assuming this little trick works for anything that will stand up to boiling and is covered in grease.
The dirty water is gross, but that's easy to clean out of your pot with warm soapy water.
Thank you Pinterest.
I misjudged you.
I'm sorry.
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