Thou shalt not covet thy Restoration Hardware

Have I told you of our love for Restoration Hardware?  If not, I can tell you now that we have had a torrid affair with one RH couch for years.

It just makes me want to melt into it
 Chris and I fell in love with this couch way back when we had the condo.  Unfortunately the price tag was a bit much for us (and still is).  So we did what any normal couple who is in love with a couch that is out of their reach- we visited it every chance we got. Any time we were downtown, we would swing into RH at Pacific Place and take up residence on "our couch" for a few awkward blissful moments, before the other people in the store started staring at us.

Bad news- the RH store at Pacific place closed down.  So did our affair. 

So again, we did what any normal couple would do- signed up for the catalog.

Today I got home and found Chris holed up in his office trying out his man chair and reading the Restoration Hardware catalog.

Imagine Chris in the chair

This is never a good idea, especially since we inevitably love most things in that catalog.  Mind you, most things that we can't afford.

We know that we are not yet going to buy our coveted couch (someday I hope), but we have settled on some artwork that we "need" for our den.  We are suckers for anything New York related, and these subway signs just spoke to us.  In case you were wondering what they were saying, it was, "Buy me"...duh.

These Subway signs will look great on the gray wall in our den
In case anyone was holding out on the bet that Chris would let me get this Eiffel tower replica- his answer was no.

Worth a shot right?
Speaking of saying no, I had to tell Chris that these pendant lights were not right for our dining room. I told him it was way too big, and his answer was "it's only 3 feet."  I just laughed at him.

This is NOT going to be hanging in our house
